Wellness Works

Mental Health In The Workplace

Training And Workshops To Improve Workplace Mental Health

Click Here to Arrange a Workshop

When mental health issues are not addressed and treated  appropriately, there can be considerable personal and  financial costs to individuals and organizations. Fortunately, with prevention, early treatment and support, many of these costs can be significantly reduced or eliminated.

Our Wellness Works education suite provides the workshops, courses and presentations your workplace needs to help your team learn more about mental health. Your staff will learn to improve their own wellness,
manage stress and support others living with mental health concerns.

And here’s the good news - every $1 businesses invest in mental health returns $2.30 in improved productivity – a mentally healthy workplace is worth investing in.

Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue refers to the profound emotional and physical exhaustion that helping professionals and caregivers can develop over the course of their career. It is a gradual erosion of all the things that keep us connected to others: our empathy, our hope, and of course our compassion - not only for others but also for ourselves.

Throughout the session participants work through a personalized strategic plan that serves as a practical tool for dealing with the effects of their own compassion fatigue. Intended audience: Helping professionals, mental health professionals,  nurses, social workers, physicians, volunteers, clergy, emergency workers, correctional workers,
teachers, school principals, EMS and law enforcement. Everyone!

Mental Health And Accommodation In The Workplace

This session will provide participants with an overview of mental health, employment legislation, and an employer’s obligation to accommodate individuals with a mental illness. Participants will explore the roles of employees and managers in the accommodation process; and learn the actions to take in preparing for and managing accommodation requests while maintaining respectful employee


Managing Conflict And Creative Problem Solving

Change the way you see and respond to difficult situations and learn to handle difficult conversations with skill and confidence. Learn strategies to recognize mental health concerns, and address various behaviours (e.g. verbal aggression, negative talk, sense of entitlement, safety). Learn valuable skills and methods to change the dynamics, de-escalate, and support individuals and groups.


Psychological Health And Safety

Mental Health issues have a powerful and an expanding impact in the workplace. This 4-part course provides your team with tools and strategies to implement and maintain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace based on Canada’s Psychological Health & Safety Standard. Learn about practical approaches to engaging your workforce, assessing current workplace policies/programs and action to take in implementing programs and systems to sustain and improve workplace health. Each module is designed to address key elements of the Psychological Health & Safety Standard, taking participants through the cycle of implementation to maintain your PHS program.

Modules include:

  1. Getting Started - Engaging your workforce
  2. Assessing & Planning - Defining Metrics & Planning for change
  3. Implementing Psychological Health & Safety
  4. Evaluating Psychological Health & Safety to align with your Health & Safety programs


Workplace Wellness

Improve workplace mental health and learn strategies to reduce absenteeism and disability leave costs. This workshop provides education on the impact of mental health problems in the workplace and identifies factors within the workplace that affect mental health. Learn to identify and minimize employee stress, recognize the signs of bullying and develop strategies to improve wellbeing and address Canadaā€™s new Psychological Health and Safety Standard.

This workshop can be tailored to Senior Management, Supervisors and Staff, covering topics such as:

  • Managing Change
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Talking about Gossip

Self Care For Volunteers

Volunteers experience many rewarding opportunities to build positive engagement in their community. Along with the many rewards, a volunteer is often exposed to stressful situations that can have an impact on their mental well being. This session is designed to offer volunteers insights into signs of compassion fatigue, and burnout by offering practical tools to identify stress and improve balance in their life. Participants learn how to identify causes of stress, explore the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and burnout and learn how to build effective self care strategies to decrease the impact on their personal and professional lives.


For more information, or to arrange a workshop for your organization, contact our Education Lead in our

Education and Training  Department:

[email protected]

For additional training opportunities please visit https://cmha-peel-dufferin.mykajabi.com/store